Recenzii primite de la pacienții noștri
EXCELENT 28 recenzii![]()
Adrian Stroie2024-06-20 Am facut numai cateva sedinte de recuperare dupa o operatie de menisc pentru ca din pacate a trebuit sa plec din tara, dar chiar daca perioada a fost relativ scurta, m-am simtit foarte confortabil si rezultatul a fost neasteptat de bun. O echipa minunata, de profesionisti..Multumesc echipei si recomand cu drag. Ecaterina Ungheanu2024-06-20 Am ajuns la acest centru din cauza unei dureri de sold si de spate. Am început recuperarea sub atenta supraveghere a lui Paul și intregii echipe. Numai după câteva ședințe, pot spune ca au început sa se vadă rezultatele, nu ma mai durea soldul și puteam sa merg normal. O echipa profesionista, empatica, bine pregătită, ce.ti adaptează programul în funcție de nevoile tale. Un loc primitor, cu aparatură medicala performanta. Recomand cu căldură. Stephane Neestor2024-06-05 Nu sunt roman exprimarea mea poate fi ciudata , acest loc il recomand !!! E foarte bun Preturi ok Oameni care muncesc in clinica asta sunt minunat si pasionat de ce fac, i pasa de voi si o sa va ajute sa va faceti mai bine Va invata sa nu va mai raniti va invata si dece vati ranit, Cum sa faceti sport se simte ca va asculta oameni astia , Si ca i pasa de problema voastra si de asta sunt asa eficent in plus de competenta le lor care e foarte bune Multa iubire acolo Si de asta recomand acest loc pentru Merci inca o data la toata echipa voastra ! Mersi mult Alex ! Spor la munca sa aveti toti ! La clinique est juste incroyable! Daniel Dobre2024-05-11 Profesioniști, activi, înțelegători, veseli, frumoși, responsabili..... O echipa superba, care-ți sare în ajutor și-ți înțelege perfect problemele și nevoile. Te primesc cumsecade, sociabili cu pacienții pentru a înțelege că la terapie nu vii de groază sau durere, ci de eliberare și vindecare, pentru a-ți putea ta oferi din nou puterea sa trăiești liber cum o făceai odată. Echipamente de mare clasă și deschiși la orice lucru. Multe succese în cariere, va doresc!!! Nour Daas2024-04-23 Warning : Long but honest review from a dentist. I did an arthroscopy on 28th of March, and removed my Synovial Plica. I was advised by my orthopaedic to go to SportTherapy ( he said they brought a German method of treatment to Romania ) to complete my recovery and physiotherapy until I leave Romania ( I dont live here ) . To be honest , when I first called them , the lady who picked up the call seemed to be very young and she did not give me the trust to have my first consultation with them. I then recalled my orthopaedic, and made sure they are a trust worthy clinic as they seem to be very young with no experience!! He assured me that lots of his patients were referred there and had good feedbacks. I went there , and had my first consultation with Ana. She made a full treatment plan for me for one full month ( post-op premium package) . I started with them and started improving . Then suddenly I had a big swollen knee in my second week of recovery, so they used a machine ( TeraCar ) which did not suit me ( although I have read that it is amazing ) and made my knee even worse. They panicked , because I was extremely panicked . I always document and read articles on the type of treatments I do , and the progression of it. So I knew that it is normal to have this inflammatory phase through the recovery process. and it has nothing to do with the exercises they gave me. However, they changed some of my exercises until the inflammatory phase pass a little bit , and indeed it did pass. I did not want to change the clinic , because after my research I knew it is normal to have this phase during the recovery . And it has nothing to do with them. The clinic is absolutely Amazing. Their structure of the session is impressive : Working on circulation, drainaje , mobility , felxibility, strength and circulation again at the end . They have lots of advanced machines which are used in other premium clinics of physiotherapy as well. I used to spend 3 hours there everyday. I loved being when : Cristina , Alex and Ana were working. The positive vibes and the laughter they bring during the session make you feel that you are recovering quicker. *Cristina had two knee surgeries herself , so besides her knowledge she gained from her studies , she has a personal experience because she passed through all of this. Her Drainage massage is great. She has a high level of empathy, her positive vibes are something else! 🔝 *Ana is the young lady who picked up the call , all what I can say dont judge a book by its cover. She is very ambitious and knowledgeable. 🔝 *Alex’s confidence and way of talking assures , and makes you feel at ease. 🔝 I went few times when : Paul , Polina were working. They are highly experienced. However, too serious for me at this stage where all I need is good vibes and anything that can lift me up. *Polina’s drainage massage is absolutely amazing, she knows exactly what she is doing. She has several years of experience. 🔝 *Paul is the owner, he is too experienced to tell you how many times you need to do each exercise. He guides the bigger image. He is fabulous. 🔝 All of them are great , they are well trained and have one identical guidlines, corrects your movements and make you feel at ease. They used to have a team session every Tuesday , which is in my opinion a great thing to have and make you feel that they DO care about their patients. They are reachable through WhatsApp , which is also amazing. Extremely down to earth and have high level of empathy . They have Cheap Price for all the service they offer. they are not greedy . They do treat you as a human being. Remember : It is a very difficult phase in your life ( after any surgery or even having any kind of pain in your muscles / joints ) , it is difficult not being able to walk properly and having some restrictions in all of your daily activities due to weakness in your muscles make you feel a bit depressed. Being in a great place like SportTherapy will definitely improve your status I HIGHLY recommend them. Ovidiu Ursu2024-04-11 Sunt la 3-a oară în acest centru. Prima oară am ajuns după ce ligamentul încrucișat anterior de la stângul s-a rupt dar nu de tot. Am făcut recuperare, am întărit musculatura, am jucat din nou fotbal până s-a rupt de tot. M-am operat în 2020 am făcut recuperare până in 2021 am jucat fotbal normal fara probleme până acum 3 săptămâni când s-a rupt tendonul lui Ahile. M-am operat și am început din nou recuperarea. Am mai fost în decursul timpului și la alte săli dar aici educația lui Paul Sittner este cu mult deasupra altor săli din București. Grija cu care Kinetoterapeuții te supraveghează și te ajută este un punct forte . De asemenea faptul ca este o locație centrală, ca ai loc de parcare și ca poți ajunge ușor din mai multe direcții este un avantaj. Sper să mă recuperez rapid! Recomand din tot sufletul această locație. Anda Livia2024-03-07 După încercări la alte centre de kinetoterapie, aici am reușit să găsesc rezolvarea pentru problemele mele ce durau de câțiva ani. Lucrez alături de Alexandra și este minunată!Incarca mai multSe afișează cele mai recente recenzii ale noastre